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Auto typer

The auto typer can be use to show different texts without taking more space on the page. Besided, it will attract the attention of the visitor. Therefore you can use the auto typer to quickly deliver some information.

Professional examples

The below stated examples are commonly applied in online website designs. The code is available for you and offers you the possibility to edit it to your own creation!

Pure JS auto typer

Effect: standard

See the Pen Typing Text Effect by Rich Wertz (@richwertz) on CodePen.

A Dynamic AutoTyper in JS

Effect: cool

See the Pen The Bug – A Dynamic AutoTyper in JS by Samir Chahine (@samirc) on CodePen.

The Shining auto-typer

Effect: fancy

See the Pen The Shining auto-typer [2017.008] by Ian Fleming (@midniteio) on CodePen.

Auto typer js

Effect: fancy

See the Pen Auto typer js by Tom (@MARTTOM) on CodePen.

Repeating auto typer

Effect: professional

See the Pen ZEGawWr by Paul (@MrEdo) on CodePen.


Need to learn more about the basics of creating an Auto typer? On w3schools you will find an example of a typewriter which is based on javascript.

Learn how to make an auto typer

The video's below are carefully selected and give you a clear explanation of how you can build this module yourself.

Typewriting effect with Javascript Tutorial - Dev Ed

Today we are going to learn how to do the type write effect in vanilla Javascript. You would be surprised how simple it is and we can build it in only 20 lines of javascript code.

Pure JavaScript Type Writer Effect - Traversy Media

In this project we will create a little website with a type writer effect using pure vanilla JavaScript. We will also do some CSS (Flexbox, etc)

Recommended libraries

Typeit.js - TypeIt is the most versatile JavaScript tool for creating typewriter effects on the planet. With a straightforward configuration, it allows you to type single or multiple strings that break lines, delete & replace each other, and it even handles strings that contain complex HTML.

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